Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Fairy Tale Concentration

And now, this is my AP Portfolio Concentration- Fairy Tales with a twist. 
I absolutely LOVE fantasy and sci-fi and anything supernatural. It really excites me, so I decided to make my concentration of twelve pieces based on traditional fairy tales- from a slightly different perspective (credit to my best friends for helping me come up with ideas and Sarah Cannavo for "The Wolf and the Hood." :D ). And as for pen and ink, as difficult as it can be, I love working with it and the way it comes out. Plus, it goes with the fairy tales (Harry Clarke anyone?). 

1. "The Wolf and the Hood" 12x18 - Like I said before, this is based on my friend Sarah Cannavo's short story "Wolf in Sheep's Clothing," which twists "Little Red Riding Hood" into a tangled tale about a young werewolf and vampire (trust me, it's NOT Twilight...never Twilight!!!). If you look closely, you can see the hint of fangs around Red's mouth ;)

2. "Pumpkin Prison" 18x24 - So this one isn't much of a TWIST on Cinderella...it's just a bit
more dark and creepy than it should be. Not my favorite piece, but I still like it.

3. "Beauty and What?" 18x24 - I've wanted to do this one for a while, and I was so happy that I actually got to....  Paws!!

4. "You Look Delicious" 12x18- As much inspiration my friends gave me for the concentration, I came up with this sick, twisted take on "Hansel and Gretel" on my own. Don't ask what goes on in my mind...

5. "The Little Mermaid" 11x14- The proportions are a little wonky, but I think this is still pretty sweet. Check out those cool patterns in her hair.

6. "Peter Pan" 11x14- Well, let's be honest. They always tell kids to never approach strangers...unless they're hot and subconsciously bear a resemblance to Matt Smith. IT'S NOT MY FAULT IRYNA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

7. "Not Exactly Beauty Sleep" 12x18 - After sleeping for a thousand years, I'd look like that too. 

8. "Pinocchio" 11x14 - Wood's boring. Robots are all the rage.

9. "Princes are Dumb" 12x18- This is one of my favorite pieces. Because yes, sometimes princes are REALLY stupid.

10. "Thumbelina" 18x24 - They said she was as big as a thumb. But if it's the thumb of a giant...

11. "Snow White" 11x14- I figured I might as well save time. No need to bother those little dwarves. 

12. "Welcome To Mystery" 18x24 - This was my favorite piece of them all, and actually won Best In Show at my high school's annual art show. It took a REALLY long time but was so worth it. If you notice, the things floating around the rabbit hole are references to the other 11 pieces (all of them, I think, except Pinocchio and Peter Pan), and also some other fascinating objects. Special thanks to Iryna for giving me the guy in the bathtub!

Well, those are my concentration pieces! And after all that excruciating work, I don't know why I still go back to pen and ink. Call me crazy, I guess.
Another post coming soon with paintings!!

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