And now, this is my AP Portfolio Concentration- Fairy Tales with a twist.
I absolutely LOVE fantasy and sci-fi and anything supernatural. It really excites me, so I decided to make my concentration of twelve pieces based on traditional fairy tales- from a slightly different perspective (credit to my best friends for helping me come up with ideas and Sarah Cannavo for "The Wolf and the Hood." :D ). And as for pen and ink, as difficult as it can be, I love working with it and the way it comes out. Plus, it goes with the fairy tales (Harry Clarke anyone?).
1. "The Wolf and the Hood" 12x18 - Like I said before, this is based on my friend Sarah Cannavo's short story "Wolf in Sheep's Clothing," which twists "Little Red Riding Hood" into a tangled tale about a young werewolf and vampire (trust me, it's NOT Twilight...never Twilight!!!). If you look closely, you can see the hint of fangs around Red's mouth ;)
2. "Pumpkin Prison" 18x24 - So this one isn't much of a TWIST on's just a bit
more dark and creepy than it should be. Not my favorite piece, but I still like it.
3. "Beauty and What?" 18x24 - I've wanted to do this one for a while, and I was so happy that I actually got to.... Paws!!
4. "You Look Delicious" 12x18- As much inspiration my friends gave me for the concentration, I came up with this sick, twisted take on "Hansel and Gretel" on my own. Don't ask what goes on in my mind...
6. "Peter Pan" 11x14- Well, let's be honest. They always tell kids to never approach strangers...unless they're hot and subconsciously bear a resemblance to Matt Smith. IT'S NOT MY FAULT IRYNA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
9. "Princes are Dumb" 12x18- This is one of my favorite pieces. Because yes, sometimes princes are REALLY stupid.
10. "Thumbelina" 18x24 - They said she was as big as a thumb. But if it's the thumb of a giant...
11. "Snow White" 11x14- I figured I might as well save time. No need to bother those little dwarves.
12. "Welcome To Mystery" 18x24 - This was my favorite piece of them all, and actually won Best In Show at my high school's annual art show. It took a REALLY long time but was so worth it. If you notice, the things floating around the rabbit hole are references to the other 11 pieces (all of them, I think, except Pinocchio and Peter Pan), and also some other fascinating objects. Special thanks to Iryna for giving me the guy in the bathtub!
Another post coming soon with paintings!!