Sunday, August 11, 2013

Senior Year Paintings

Salutations! Sorry it's been a while. I have GOT to get the rest of my high school art up, so I can really focus on the stuff I'll be starting soon at MOORE!!
As the title says, these are all the paintings I've done over my senior year in AP Studio Art.

"Aces On Top Hat" 12x18 - I had to set up this still life myself, which was pretty fun, but I also had to paint in the details of the face cards- not as fun, but worth it.

"Rainbow Fish" 8x10- This was something I started my sophomore year, and I dumped it at the bottom of my drawer. I finally dug it up this year to fit in my portfolio requirements and got it done. I even added a bit of silver paint into the blue to make the acrylic shiny!

"Guitar God" 14x14 - This is a portrait of my TOTALLY AWESOME uncle Guy Van Duser, a really successful guitar player and a professor of Berkley College of Music in Boston. I found a photograph of him when he was really young and decided to copy it in acrylic paint. This is the result.

"Lightning and Thunder" 8x10 - Because of high school rules, all my oil paintings were done at a separate class. We had to do self-portraits, one of my favorite things in the world. :/ I don't think I got my nose right, but my nose is weird to draw cause of its shape. What's up with the title? Well, I gave myself lightning-bolt earrings, and red is the chief color surrounding Norse legend Thor, the god of Thunder, who my friend and I love to read about. There you have it.

"Hogwarts" 8x10 - Another oil painting, this time we had to do a landscape in the style of Vincent Van Gogh. I'm obsessed with Harry Potter, so the choice was obvious. I also did this painting on my sneakers and graduation cap, I think that one was even more like Van Gogh. 

(Here's the graduation cap...)
And here are the shoes...

Now, back to business:

"Angel of Music" 12x18- I love working in watercolors, and I had to create a Christmas piece for my church. I decided to give an angel a chance to rock out.

"Music of the Night" 11x14 - This surreal watercolor/ink painting was inspired by "The Phantom of the Opera," my favorite musical of all time. I had trouble making this really, really good, but I think it came out all right.

"She's My Shirley" 12x18- And the best for last. I found this GORGEOUS photograph of my grandmother when she was forty-something, and I had to paint it. It took me two days, but they were a tough two days. This was very, very difficult, but it came out AMAZING. Yeah, I said it. This is one of my best. Ms. Braverman was shocked when she saw this, and someone told me that they cried. That's never happened to me before, and it's a little crazy.
So those are my high school senior year paintings. That SHOULD be it for high school, I'll double-check and post if there's more. I'm gonna try to fix this blog up so that it's really professional for my Illustration career. Till then, au revoire.

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